Davide Ottavio Apollo
Davide Ottavio Apollo is a Lawyer based in Milan, mainly specialized in the Real Estate sector. His Law Firm, Apollo & Associati, is one of the major law society in Italy and is frequently involved in the most important real estate projects taking place on the national territory. These operations are mainly arranged by the greatest international players belonging to the Real Estate branch, and by the most important institutional investors coming from Italy and from abroad. Thanks to his high professionalism, to his international education and, most of all, to his expertise, Davide Apollo held the role of Professor at Bocconi University, and now works as a contributor for sectorial magazines and is called to attend public lessons and conferences as a Real Estate expert speaker.
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(Italiano) Centri commerciali: un mercato da 51 miliardi, ma l’e-commerce incombe
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(Italiano) Immobiliare italiano: come attirare sempre più investitori stranieri
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